How do we proceed?
- You can select the product you needed.
- It will be added in your cart.
- Just simply checkout from the cart.
- After that you’ll see the modes of payment, Place the order
- Pay us via any of those modes and send screenshot of payment in viber/messenger/instagram/whatsapp.
- We will mail you the account details/gift card in your email which will be provided while checkout process within 5 mins to 12 hours.
Is all account legit and comes with warranty?
- Yes 100%. All accounts provided comes with the warranty and duration details. It is legit and most of the accounts will be in your own emails.
- We will always be here for our customers to serve them throughout the account validity journey .
Can we order from social media too ?
Yes you can order from faacebook page and instagram page. Link of facebook page and instagram page is in the home page of our website.